KoiZai Careers

湾仔, 香港

Our mission is to revolutionize the financial advisory and management industry by harnessing cutting-edge technology, promoting collaboration, and democratizing access to AdviceTech solutions.

Our visions are two folds, to offer a "continuous advice platform"​ and to provide "isometric focus product independent"​ advice platform. Our "continuous advice"​ commitment means our platform is responsive, capable of generating advice in near real-time, thus giving our financial advisers and their clients the capability to quickly respond to dynamic changes of the 21st century.

Our "isometric focus and product independent advice"​ means our platform brings the latest best financial practices with jurisdiction considerations, thus capable to analyse the cause and effect of every decision. Our focus is to enable our platform to provide our financial advisers and their clients a complete 720 degrees view of the advice given thus, ensure advice given are the best of the breed. By focusing on these visions, our platform aims to win back the public expectation of good financial advice we will help develop increased trust in the financial advisory industry.