Andrew Found Careers

Andrew Found
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Andrew Found
Central and Western, Hong Kong, China
Professional Services


Established in 2016, Andrew Found is a professional recruitment agency dedicated to providing consultancy services to clients and job seekers. Andrew Found’s clients cover a wide array of industry sectors, including property development, private banking, luxury goods, logistics, fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), retail and education, just to name a few. At present, 70% of our clients are multinational corporations specializing in different fields, while the remaining 30% belong to Chinese investors and Hong Kong local companies.


Andrew Found was established with a vision of “Found Your Team”. We wish to help clients found their team and assist job seekers with their career development. We believe recruitment agencies acts as an important bridge between human resources personnel and experts. As a middleman, Andrew Found facilitates effective communication with the assistance of our professional staffing experts.


As a dynamic and energetic team, Andrew Found chose WeWork Tower 535 as its startup site. WeWork’s coworking and office space aligns with Andrew Found’s determination – to create a highly collaborative and creative atmosphere that induces innovation and boosts efficiency. The concept of collaborative workspace fosters teamwork, brings fresh perspectives and enhances productivity. Under such an innovative atmosphere, our team further enhances its professionalism and puts its potentials to full play.