Storius Limited Careers

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Storius Limited
Central and Western, Hong Kong, China
Information Technology and Services
Storius is to bring people and places closer together through resonant stories. Storius is developing a digital audio-sharing app to help content creators to pin voice recordings on the map that guides travelers to hear great stories behind them. Storius can be seen as an Experiential Map, Education Tech, and a platform full of attractive stories. Its mission is to share great stories to preserve cultural heritage for all. Storius got Hong Kong Cyberport Incubation Program, Tech 300 Angel Fund support, and Asia Smart App Award, and was accepted into AppWorks (Taiwan) accelerator. Currently headquartered in Hong Kong, Storius operates in Siem Reap, Cambodia, and Jerusalem, Israel.  You are encouraged to check out more about Storius, especially getting to know us via how the media told our story: and follow Storius Hong Kong's IG: storiusapphk to know more. Highly recommend you, if you know Cantonese, to listen to our interview on Commercial radio sharing our stories: